I know I said that I wouldn't have any posts about boys for a while...but lets be honest, they make the most interesting stories.
Question....Who came up with kissing someone at midnight on New Years Eve? Im sorry but its a stupid idea, especially if you are not dating anyone. It either makes you feel sad if you don't have someone or makes you want to kiss some random guy. So apparently....(according to yahoo news) we kiss at midnight because....
"For single people, there's a superstition that not kissing anyone portends a year of loneliness.
Then again, kissing some sleazy random who may or may not have a
girlfriend is worse than kissing no one at all."
Also there is a whole article on yahoo about how to survive New Years single! (note to self: read that next year BEFORE New Years)
Lesson Learned: Stay away from New Years Eve altogether....oh wait I don't need to worry about that because apparently the world is ending December 21, 2012. Then that makes this a worthless post.